Friday, August 28, 2015

8/28- Zzz


Today is going to be beautiful, and there's no need to change the forecast I put down yesterday, so I won't. The only truly interesting weather story for us right now is Tropical Storm Erika, which is going to hit the Dominican Republic this morning as a Tropical Storm. If it survives, anything could happen. The official forecast path from the NHC shoots it basically straight up the Florida Peninsula, but it could still miss Florida to either the west or the east realistically. That sets up extreme we'll just have to see if Erika even lives through it's close encounter of the Hispanola kind.

Elsewhere in the Atlantic...don't expect new development

In the Pacific- Jimena has become a hurricane, and will probably become a major hurricane but it will not pose a threat to land. Ignacio, however, has an outside chance of getting near Hawaii, but it's more likely to pass just east of the islands.

Today in weather history- August 28, 2011- Hurricane Irene makes its' final landfall in New Jersey, but the damage stretches from North Carolina to Vermont, and clobbers us here in Connecticut with 60mph winds and big storm surge, wiping out a large area of the East Haven shoreline and establishing a record number of power outages (though that record would fall just two months later thanks to Winter Storm Alfred).

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