Monday, July 11, 2016

7/11- Getting Warm this week

Good Monday all-

Today is going to be a pretty typical day for mid-July, albeit a touch cooler than usual as the highs today won't reach the mid-80s, but we get nice low humidity and partly sunny conditions. By tomorrow, however, the heat and humidity return- highs will be near 90- and we'll almost certainly eclipse that mark by Wednesday and Thursday, the second of those two days will likely feature some showers and thunderstorms thanks to a slow moving cold front, which sets the temperatures back into the mid 80s by the end of the weekend...although at least part of it looks rather wet at this time thanks to a low moving along a stalled front.

No development is expected in the Atlantic anytime soon as the quiet period continues, but Tropical Storm and now Hurricane Celia formed in the Pacific over the weekend, but it poses no threat to land. That said, development of a low fairly close to behind it is likely, and so I'll probably be talking about Tropical Storm Darby by the end of the week.

Today in weather history- July 11, 1888- Snow reaches practically the base of Mt. Washington, which is a very remarkable achievement for this time of year- it's almost exactly halfway through meteorological summer! Certainly it's more likely up there in the White Mountains, but to reach the base (where I have stayed for a week in August and experienced 80 degree temperatures) is truly rare.

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