Friday, July 8, 2016

7/8- Still Stormy


Today is going to be extremely similar to yesterday, with the exception that the rain will not be nearly as widespread. That said, some people will definitely get wet today, with the heaviest rain falling in Western Connecticut, and the least falling in eastern regions. The rain will likely stick around through the weekend- Sunday doesn't look nearly as good this morning as it did yesterday as the system responsible for these showers looks to be stalled out over the Great Lakes, continuing to spin showers through New England for several consecutive days. Thankfully, the rain departs by Monday, and Tuesday looks dry as well before a bit of rain appears to return for Wednesday. As for temperatures, we can expect high 80s today, and then slightly cooler conditions for both weekend days- I'm thinking low to mid 80s should do the trick for both days, with Saturday slightly warmer than Sunday.

No development is expected in the Atlantic anytime in the near future, but category 2 Hurricane Blas continues to spin in the Pacific with 105mph winds, and TD 4-E is very close to becoming Tropical Storm Celia, and likely will do so later today. Both of these storms, however, pose no threat to any land areas whatsoever- the only ones effected will be the fish in the waters of the Pacific.

Today in weather history- July 8, 1975- A lesson in lightning safety of what not to do- three people are killed and six others injured when lightning hits a tree next to a tin shed that they were in and it falls onto them. The lesson here? Trees and a metal shed are bad by themselves, but together they are a recipe for disaster!

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