Wednesday, July 13, 2016

7/14- Even hotter

Good Wednesday all-

Today is going to be hotter than yesterday- not by too much, but noticeable nonetheless, with highs in the low 90s. There is no threat of rain today, but the humidity will be climbing through the day as well. Tomorrow is going to be utterly miserable if you don't like hot and humid weather, but thankfully storms come through tomorrow evening to reduce the humidity. Some of these storms could be severe, so it's worth keeping an eye on as we move forward. Friday looks like the hottest of the next three days, but also the least humid. The weekend now looks completely dry, as does the first part of next week, with highs in the mid-80s being the prevalent temperature.

No development is expected in the Atlantic anytime soon, and Celia has weakened into a tropical storm this morning, but Tropical Storm Darby has formed behind it and is nearing hurricane intensity this morning as it packs 70mph wind. Thankfully, like the last several storms, this one poses no threat to land.

Today in weather history- July 13, 1895- A tornado hits Harlem, NY, but somehow only kills one person, which is an extremely lucky break. Fortunately, it is extremely difficult to get a strong tornado in New York City...but it is possible in many other major cities- the few that most often come to mind are Chicago, Dallas, St. Louis, and Oklahoma City...all of which have been affected by significant tornadoes in the past.

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