Wednesday, July 6, 2016

7/6- Absolutely Horrendous

Good Wednesday all-

Today is going to be the triple H's of doom- hot, humid, and hazy. The even more unfortunate thing is that there is absolutely no threat for thunderstorms whatsoever...and we're heading for the mid 90s with very high humidity. Please be a bit careful this afternoon and have water available- it's a great beach day- but otherwise unpleasantness will reign supreme. Tomorrow looks much the same, albeit a touch cooler (but unnoticeable as it'll be about 90)- but the threat of thunderstorms does exist (some of which look quite strong, thanks to the humidity, there's plenty of moisture to work with). Friday is the same as Thursday for all intents and purposes, but Saturday appears to be a total washout with warm weather but widespread thunderstorms. At least Sunday, the second half of the weekend, looks much better and significantly cooler and lower humidity.

No development is expected in the Atlantic, but Hurricane Blas has reached its' peak intensity now as a 125mph category 3 hurricane- the first major hurricane of the Pacific season. Additionally, we're likely going to get Celia in the very near future in the Pacific as development occurs in nearly the same place as where Blas formed about five days ago.

Today in weather history- July 6, 1928- An incredible hailstorm in Potter, NE features 5.5" diameter hail with a 17" circumference and weighing 1.5lbs! Even more incredibly, this is no longer the record largest, but...that's for later this month!

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