Tuesday, July 12, 2016

7/12- Getting Warmer

Good Tuesday all-

Today is going to be a very hot day, although it'll be nice in that sunshine will be the predominant sky condition. Highs will likely be in the upper 80s to near 90 in places...and the humidity will be a bit high (though not brutal) but...tomorrow looks even worse, with temps in the 90s and oppressive humidity. Thursday will feature our first chance of rain in quite a while- thunderstorms are quite likely in the afternoon hours in response to the heat and humidity. Friday looks similar to its' predecessor...and thus will be the last of a 3-day heat wave.

Unfortunately, the weekend forecast is complex indeed, as an odd off-season coastal low per say moves from southwest to northeast. I am confident that the result is that one of the weekend days will feature mostly rainy conditions...but I am not sure if it will be Saturday or Sunday. There's significant model disagreement in this regard, and I'll post about it as soon as we can determine with more certainty. If I had to guess right now...I'd say there is about a 60% chance that it will be Sunday that is impacted rather than Saturday...but that's not exactly extreme confidence.

The Atlantic basin remains quiet today, not at all unusual for early July. The Pacific, however, is hyperactive right now. Hurricane Celia is a category 2, but its' likely reached peak intensity as a 100mph storm as it moves into dryer air and generally heads towards Hawaii...who may want to keep an eye on the system. Additionally, Tropical Depression 5-E has formed 300 miles SW of Manzanillo, Mexico and is expected to become Tropical Storm and eventually Hurricane Darby, but it poses no threat to land. Another tropical depression is also expected to form this weekend...this is seriously impressive!

Today in weather history- July 12, 1980- A terrible day for a chicken farmer in Branford, FL as lightning strikes a main house on the farm, which kills 11,000 of the chickens. Somehow, however, firefighters were able to save a few thousand. That's pretty impressive really, considering the circumstances

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