Tuesday, July 5, 2016

7/5- A wet start

Good Tuesday all-

I hope that everyone had a great 4th! Now, though, attention will turn to the weather, since there's some interesting stuff in the forecast in the next few days. Much of the rain for today is over- the storm came in quite a bit earlier than expected and is presently moving away from the region to our east, but some showers are certainly possible through the next few hours until about noon, so bring your umbrella to work today. The longer you wait, though, the better it will be- we may even see partial sunshine this afternoon. By tomorrow, the second heat wave of 2016 will be beginning- and tomorrow looks to be the hottest- we're talking mid-90s and absolutely brutal humidity, so stay vigilant and safe tomorrow. That's not to say Thursday and Friday look much better- low 90s, high humidity, etc. The one saving grace (potentially) is that Thursday and Friday some thunderstorms will be possible as we get into the afternoon hours. These storms shouldn't be particularly strong, but we still have to be careful. The better chance of severe weather comes Saturday with a cold front to finally break the heat, setting up a beautiful day on Sunday with 80 degree temperatures and partly sunny skies.

No development is expected in the Atlantic, and Agatha has died in the Pacific, but Blas is nearing major hurricane status, now packing winds of 100mph, solidly in category 2 range. It is expected to become a major hurricane later today and maintain the intensity for a day or so before it begins the final weakening process. Additionally, a low is expected to become Celia later this week, but it will also pose no threat to land.

Today in weather history- July 5, 1970- Temperatures at Death Valley, CA get no lower than 103, and the high went up to 120. For Death Valley, this is not very impressive but...not many things have happened on July 5 in the weather world. Let's see if something noteworthy happens either today or in the coming years.

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