Thursday, July 7, 2016

7/7- Quite stormy

Good Thursday all-

Today is going to be a bit of a mess- there is going to be a fair amount of rain falling today as we have a low centered just to our south. The temperature is going to be hot again, although some partial cloud cover should allow us to be a fair amount cooler than yesterday (though still...90 isn't exactly cool!). The thunderstorm risk is primarily in the afternoon hours, and some of them will produce intense rain, and be crawling, so someone could get a significant amount of rain today in a very short period of time. Tomorrow appears to have at least some risk of isolated PM thunderstorms, but they'll be the exception rather than the rule and will be brief. The first part of the weekend still looks wet, but Sunday through the middle of next week looks much more pleasant than our current situation- temps should cool into the 80s with partial sunshine.

No development is expected in the Atlantic, but Hurricane Blas in the Pacific continues to chug along as a 125mph category 3, though this should change as it moves into cooler waters and begins to weaken. Behind that, though, Tropical Depression 4-E is likely to become Tropical Storm Celia today as it moves west, but poses no threat to land.

Today in weather history- July 7, 1981- Glacier National Park, MT, receives ten inches of snow(!!). Yikes- that must have been quite the experience for JULY!!

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