Monday, December 19, 2016

12/19- Watching comes Xmas...

Good Monday all-

Today is going to be a rather chilly and nippy day, but nice overall, and the same can be said for each of the next three days. The only trouble spot in the immediate future is Thursday, where we have to keep our eyes on a potential interaction with a clipper system and a coastal system off to our southeast. If everything comes together...there is a small (<20% chance) of a major snowstorm...but the most likely scenario is some scattered flurries or a light period of snow. As we head into the Christmas weekend...there likely will be another storm nearby the day after Christmas, but we simply have to watch that one as it's far too early for details.

Today in weather history- December 19, 1924- Yellowstone National Park's Riverside Ranger Station drops to -59 degrees, the all-time December record for the United States...that's cold!

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