Wednesday, December 7, 2016

12/7- Drying out, Cold Weekend ending with Heavy Snow?

Good Wednesday all-

Oh boy is it going to be getting chilly out there in the very near future! In fact, although today will be nice. Saturday looks AWFUL with highs below freezing. and that's just an appetizer! Some of the next eight days or so look almost historically cold, with especial concern about next Thursday...where is it possible that some of us don't get above 20 all day?!?!?!

The other big concern in the next week is the *potential* of the first really significant snow event Sunday and Monday. Some models are indicating as much as a 5-10" snowfall in the northern half of our state, which would of course really snarl the roads up nicely. Let's watch that closely- I certainly will be as I have a bunch of final exams on Monday...right now, I have my doubts they will be occurring! The first named storm this year will be's not out of the realm of possibility this is the one. In any event, the big story next week is clearly the big snowstorm and the cold.

^^ New GFS showing generally five to ten inches of snow for areas along and north of 81. Any colder air and this could extend to the rest of the state very easily.

Take care on the roads this morning- they are very icy and there have been dozens of accidents!

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