Wednesday, September 10, 2014

9/10- Still going strong...

Good Wednesday all-

Today is going to start off cloudy, but clearing should occur and lead to an (at most) partly cloudy afternoon as the nor'easter pulls away from the northeast. Tomorrow, however, looks absolutely terrible with cloudy skies and ridiculously hot weather compared to what we have been experiencing...80! Scattered showers and thunderstorms are also very likely tomorrow afternoon, some of which may in fact be severe. Beyond that, however, it wouldn't shock me if we were done with 80 degree days as fall really takes hold by the weekend with lows in the 40s and highs struggling to reach 70 on most days. Quite honestly, it wouldn't surprise me to see some towns in Litchfield county drop into the 30s. Fall is here, so enjoy the reprive from the heat before the snow season starts in a month or so.

Interestingly, today is the peak of the Atlantic hurricane season, but there are no active tropical cyclones in the basin.

In the Atlantic- Development is quite likely with a tropical wave near the Cape Verde Islands, but it is probably going out to sea at this point. The bigger concern for the US lies in the Bahamas with a low crossing into the Gulf, but conditions aren't particularly favorable, though slow development is possible. The next two names are Edouard and Fay (you may remember 2008's Tropical Storm Fay, which had an erratic track across Florida, making landfall four times!)

In the Pacific- Tropical Depression 15-E is about to become Tropical Storm (and eventually Hurricane) Odile, and it poses a huge threat to the Baja peninsula, and the southwestern US in terms of rain- there has already been big flooding there from the remnants of Hurricane Norbert!

Today in weather history- September 10, 2008- Hurricane Ike emerges into the Gulf as a category 2 storm with 100mph winds and begins to move towards Galveston. While further strengthening was forecast, this never happened, but the storm was plenty bad enough as it was. The name was retired and replaced on this year's name list by Isaiah. Will we get there this year? Anybody's guess!

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