Monday, September 15, 2014

9/15- Cold!

Good Monday everyone-

Today is going to be an excellent preview of the weather that we can effectively expect all week. The temperature is going to be in the low 70s with partly cloudy conditions, though there is a solid chance of rain later tonight, but it won't effect anyone's plans as it comes in the overnight hours and only will amount to between 0.1 and 0.25 inches of rain. The rest of the week looks darn near identical, just getting slightly colder each day. The one thing to caution here is Thursday night, and that is because the temperatures are going to be ice some cases literally. Overnight lows will be in the high 30s or low 40s on average isn't impossible that someone freezes that night. That would be an incredibly bizarrely early freeze for us here, but it looks likely at least for parts of Litchfield county.

In the Atlantic- Hurricane Edouard rapidly intensified into a 105 mph hurricane overnight, and it is on the brink of becoming the first major hurricane in the Atlantic in nearly two years! Fortunately, unlike like the last one (2012's Hurricane Sandy), it poses no threat to land.

In the Pacific- A major disaster is unfolding as Hurricane Odile has actually made a direct hit on Cabo San Lucas as a strong category 3/borderline category 4 with winds of 127 mph. This is the strongest hurricane to hit the Baja peninsula since...ever! YIKES! My thoughts go out to those effected this morning, but we are likely to hear about this one for a long time. Development with a system off the Mexican coast later this week is also considered likely.

Today in weather history- September 15, 1989- Hurricane Hugo intensified into a category 4 in the Caribbean on this date, but the biggest impacts were still a few days away when it hit South Carolina as a cat 3.

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