Friday, September 12, 2014

9/12- Happy fall, essentially

Good FRIDAY all- welcome to the weekend!

Today the weather is going to celebrate along with the rest of us, as it is going to be absolutely fantastic! Temperatures will climb into only the low to mid 70s, and with nothing but sunny skies today. Sadly, good things can't last, and tomorrow doesn't look great as rain is likely tomorrow afternoon. Sunday does look fantastic (perhaps the best day of the next 7, tied with Weds & Thurs), with temps in the high 60s/low 70s and bright sunshine. The only other chance of rain in the next seven days appears to be Tuesday with scattered AM showers.

If you don't like our weather, at least we aren't in parts of the northern plains, such as North Dakota, parts of which may receive one foot of snow in the next few days.

In the Atlantic- Tropical Storm Edouard formed yesterday afternoon, and is located in the far eastern Atlantic, and poses no threat to land except for some high surf to Bermuda. Otherwise, we may have a more interesting storm to track next week, as it appears Tropical Storm Fay may form in the Gulf early next week. We shall see!

In the Pacific- TD #16E is not likely to become a tropical storm because it is so close to what is about to become Hurricane Odile, and in fact will probably get absorbed into the system before it can become Polo. There is, however, a risk of development of the Mexican coast early next week, but it's far too early for details...

Today in weather history- September 12, 1960- Hurricane Donna scores a direct hit on Connecticut. The damage, however, is surprisingly light, as the storm is fast moving and does not coincide with high tide (which Hurricane Sandy did), but still becomes the first hurricane to effect the east coast from Key West to Caribou, ME.

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