Tuesday, September 16, 2014

9/16- Some rain

Good Tuesday all!

Today is going to be the only day in the next 7 that features rain. I do expect scattered showers this morning and, although not a washout by any means, it is going to be noticeably wet this morning. By the afternoon, however, we will clear it out and temps will get to the low 70s for highs, so it will be rather pleasant after about 10 or so. The other big question of the week is Friday morning- but it's the "How low can you go?" game with temps- I think most of us will probably reach the 30s! In fact, it is a distinct possibility that someone frosts rather significantly (For some of the colder parts of the state, it may even freeze and end the growing season!). The weekend looks spectacular with temps in the high 60s and low 70s with sunshine. The next day with a chance of rain is Monday.

In the Atlantic- Category 2 Hurricane Edouard is still at 110 mph, and is moving out to sea. A tropical wave does have some potential for development by this weekend, however. The next name on the list is Fay (You may remember this one from 2008- it hit Florida 4 times and dumped a huge amount of rain. In fact, there was debate that it may be retired though it ultimately was not).

In the Pacific- Tropical Storm Odile is in the Gulf of California and moving northeast. In a fascinating event, it is possible (albeit somewhat unlikely- maybe 30% or so), that it reaches Arizona as a Tropical Storm. I am unaware of this event ever happening before. To make matters worse, Tropical Storm Polo formed this morning off the coast of Mexico, and is headed in generally the same direction. I think it should miss Cabo to the west, however.

Today in weather history- September 16, 1928- The San Felipe Hurricane hits Florida with 150mph winds at category 4 intensity- and kills 2000 migrant workers when the easternmost dike on Lake Okeechobee breaks, causing a flood about the same size as the state of Delaware!


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