Friday, September 19, 2014

9/19- The words nobody wants to hear

Good FRIDAY all- happy weekend!!

Today is going to be, in a word, really cold! Temps may not reach 60 in some of the colder areas of the state, but most of us should see high temperatures around 62-64 and sunshine for today, though there could be some fluffy cumulus clouds around here. Tomorrow looks mostly cloudy with a slim chance of some AM drizzle. Sunday afternoon and Monday becomes very tricky. Either a Tropical Storm or a regular nor'easter is going to make a run at us, and how close it gets changes a great deal about the forecast. Right now, I think that it passes just outside the 40/70 benchmark and gives us some light rain on Sunday night as it teams up with a cold front, but a slight jog to the west could change things significantly. If this was a few months later, by comparison, it would be one of those 2-5" deals that we get quite often in winter here. Beyond that, the weather looks boring, which is good for you!

In the Atlantic- Edouard has died out, but a new tropical storm is trying to form near the Cape Verdes, but I am inclined to doubt it will succeed. The feature off the southeast coast is far more interesting to me, not the least because of the impacts it will have here.

In the Pacific- Horrifyingly, Cabo has just gone under another Tropical Storm Watch, though, thankfully, the core of Tropical Storm Polo should miss them to the west.

Today in weather history- September 19, 1983- In just 7 hours, Denver goes from a sunny high of 86 degrees, to 36 degrees with heavy snow as a cold front moves through the region. Yikes! This kind of event, while highly unusual, does happen about once every two years for somebody, and goes to show just how powerful mother nature can be.

3 days to Autumn!

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