Monday, September 22, 2014

9/22- Adios summer!

Good Monday all (if that's possible, I get it...)

You know what, though? The forecast for today is laughably easy, as it is for the next week...dry weather is going to prevail with temps in the mid-70s on most days (the lone exception is Wednesday, where we may not get to 70, my current thinking is something like 66-69 for most). There is no chance of any precip during the next week...and there is nothing else to say, so congrats!

In the Atlantic- In a highly bizarre event for September, no tropical activity is expected in the next 5 days.

In the Pacific- A low just off Mexico is probably going to become Tropical Storm Rachel tomorrow or Wednesday as it moves northwestward generally offshore and I don't think it poses any real threat to land.

Today in weather history- September 22, 2010- Hurricane Igor hits Newfoundland, bringing 80mph winds to the region as well as 5 inches of rain. Igor is tied with Gustav of 2008 for the closest we have come to having a category 5 over the Atlantic in the last 7 years (the last one is still 2007's Hurricane Felix).


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