Tuesday, September 23, 2014

9/23- Sudden forecast change

Good Tuesday all-

Sorry about this, but a major forecast change has occurred and now, quite honestly, Thursday has the potential to be a total and complete washout. There is a giant nor'easter that is trying to make it's way towards us, and it appears as though it's going to succeed. If it does come (probably 60-40% right now), several inches of soaking rain would be likely and, quite honestly, that would be very good news for a large number of plants in our area as we could certainly use the rain! Otherwise, 70s and partly cloudy all the way!

In the Atlantic- No development is coming anytime soon.

In the Pacific-  A low off Mexico is about to become Tropical Storm Rachel, but there is no threat to land from this one.

Today in weather history- September 23, 1998- Tropical Storms run amok, as a period of 35 days that end on this day, ten tropical cyclones form, half of which hit the United States. By comparison, the Atlantic has had 5 tropical storms this entire season!

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