Wednesday, February 18, 2015

2/18- Another weekend storm

Good Wednesday all-

Well, at least today looks fine, if not extremely cold. Highs today should be in the high teens/low 20s range, with increasing clouds through the day. Unfortunately, those clouds introduce a light but accumulating snow overnight tonight and perfectly during the morning commute tomorrow. Some of the unluckier areas could get as much as 2", so it could cause a few schools to delay tomorrow. There is a small chance that some would close, but I doubt it, quite honestly, because it should be easy to remove. If you have plans on Sunday, though, they're in big trouble as a major storm moves through...but again it's a tough forecast in many ways. Unfortunately, at the moment, it looks like mostly rain, not freezing rain, but actually regular rain. Let's hope not, because an inch of rain on the deep snowpack we currently have could be an absolute disaster for roofs! After that, the early part of next week looks good, the mid part...not so much as another nor'easter takes aim.

Today in weather history- February 18, 1959- A snowstorm that lasted 5 days continues in Mt. Shasta, CA (the snowiest place in North America). That in itself is not too rare but this is- the storm total ends up at one hundred eighty-nine inches of snow, or fifteen feet, 9 inches. This ends up as the single biggest snowfall in the history of North America.

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