Tuesday, February 24, 2015

2/24- Cold now, snow soon?

Good Tuesday all-

Well, it's absolutely frigid out there, generally between 0 and -15 this morning, but it's going to get slightly better as temps moderate to well, probably just the teens today, but the 20s are likely tomorrow. Just so you know, though, we should be around 40 this time of year, so this is still completely ridiculous! To make matters worse, an accumulating snow, perhaps a significant one, is likely now on either Sunday or Monday, so that bears watching, but we are way too far out for any details on that possibility, other than that models are in agreement that there will be at least some snow in that timeframe. Otherwise, it'll be 20s for highs, single digits for lows, and generally frigid weather, though light snow is possible tonight, and someone east of our region (New London/Windham county) could pick up an inch or two of snow.

Today in weather history- February 24, 2015- BDL breaks their record low for today with a temperature of -6, beating out -4 as the record. Not overly impressive, until you consider that the record was set in 1907, 108 years ago! Yikes!

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