Friday, February 13, 2015

Have "Faith"? We do!

Good evening-

Well, we've done it. After a quiet start to the winter, and after so many people had given up...a month ago, who would have thought they'd be reading this.

Winter Storm Faith is the 6th named storm of the winter...and passes 2010-11 and 2013-14...and this winter has now seen the most named storms in twenty years. The record number of named storms in a winter is a two way tie between April 1, 1983's Blizzard Odile and April 7, 1996's Winter Storm there's still quite a way to go before we get the true all time record. With the pattern we have though, it appears possible that Gavin is a mere five days away as well. If we call March 31st the end of the snowy season...we are 9 short of tying an all time record...and there are 45 days until April 1st (from Sunday) so we would need to average a named snowstorm every five days between now and then. With the pattern we've been stuck may not be impossible...but it's certainly highly unlikely. For the first time, though, I can appreciate how 1995-96 was was likely achieved by being in this (or a smilar) pattern the entire winter, including December and early January.

Snow lovers have certainly been rewarded this year for their long wait. Remember to always keep the "Faith" that winter will make an appearance. What a remarkable turnaround in pattern, one that will be talked about for years to come. .

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