Friday, July 10, 2015

7/10- Hot weekend

HAPPY FRIDAY everyone-

Today is going to be a beautiful day once we get rid of the cloud cover- temps should be in the low 80s and feature bright sunshine. Tomorrow and Sunday look to be practically carbon copies of each other- bright sunshine and hot- temps will be in the very high 80s and near 90. Now, will BDL hit 90 for the first time since May 10th(!) on Sunday? It's certainly possible, but it's no guarantee either...we shall see. If it doesn't it could be quite some time before they get another chance, as next week looks to consistently feature low 80s temps and thunderstorms. By the way- if you think it's been chilly so far, you're right- this is currently the 5th coldest year on record in Connecticut.

In the Atlantic- If you woke up to see the development in the tropical Atlantic, go back to sleep. (no development anytime soon)

In the Pacific- The two lows that I'm watching haven't changed much at all overnight, but we'll probably be dealing with 2 tropical storms by the time we next talk on Monday. Meanwhile, Tropical Storm Ela has weakened to a tropical depression, but in a highly unusual event, two lows just south of Hawaii have become Tropical Depressions, and both will likely achieve tropical storm intensity- their names will be Halola and Iune.

Today in weather history- July 10, 1989- A memorable day indeed for the people of Connecticut as an F4 tornado manages to strike downtown Hamden, injuring 42 people but somehow not killing anyone. Such strong tornadoes are very rare in Connecticut (there have been 3 in the last 150 years) but not impossible to achieve, so it just goes to show you should always be careful and take warnings seriously!

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