Wednesday, July 8, 2015

7/8- Stormy

Good Wednesday all-

Unfortunately, today looks more unpleasant than yesterday! Not only will it be significantly warmer, with temps falling just a few degrees short of 90, but there's certainly an enhanced risk of thunderstorms this afternoon as well. Fortunately, though, I don't really think they'll be severe- the SPC only has us under a SEE TEXT risk of severe weather- but we still should keep our eyes to the skies as NOBODY likes to be trapped outside in a thunderstorm (not to mention it's highly dangerous). Tomorrow looks similar to today, Friday looks a bit better, and the best news is that the weekend looks completely dry!

In the Atlantic- If you're given the choice between getting trapped outside in the pouring rain or watching the tropics for development--choose to get wet- at least it'll be interesting, unlike the tropical Atlantic (no development anytime soon)

In the Pacific- A few areas off the Mexican coast could develop by the end of the week, but let's cross that bridge when we get there. Perhaps a more serious problem is that Tropical Depression #4-E formed and is generally heading for Hawaii, and will strengthen into a Tropical Storm, but a high over the islands should spare them a direct hit

Today in weather history- July 8, 1816- In a remarkable feat, New England receives a freeze!! This is largely due to the eruption of Mt. Tambora, which occurred in April 1815- sending ash into the air and blocking sunlight, causing extremely cold temperatures in the Northern Hemisphere pretty much all summer of that year, killing a huge number of crops and causing very real food problems for the people living in our area during that time.

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