Monday, July 6, 2015

7/6- Getting hotter

Good Monday all-

Today is going to be rather hot and humid, as temps should approach (but not quite reach) 90 and we're looking at bright sunshine through much of the day today. The weather won't be pleasant all week, though- thunderstorms are likely tomorrow...and Wednesday...and Thursday before finally drying out Friday and Saturday. None of these are particularly likely to be severe...but they'll still certainly be a nuisance. By Sunday, we may hit 90 for the first time in over a month, but there's plenty of time to watch that. Temperatures through the rest of this week should be about 88 all the time. I hope everyone is ready to have an absolutely fantastic week!!

In the Atlantic- Do yourself a favor and watch the end of the NASCAR race last night and not the Atlantic for development- you won't regret it! (No development anytime soon)

In the Pacific- A low about 1700 miles east of Hawaii will probably become Tropical Storm Dolores this week, but it poses no threat to land whatsoever.

Today in weather history- July 6, 1985- A bolt of lightning strikes a major transformer station in Salt Lake City, UT, taking out power to the entire state for up to five hours...doh!

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