Monday, July 27, 2015

7/27- STORM WATCH dropped weather now

Good Monday all-

The models have significantly backed off any tropical development in the Atlantic this week, and there is now less than a 25% chance of any storm having an impact in the storm watch was dropped yesterday afternoon or so in my mind...but I'm officially calling it now. As it is, the main story in the weather world this week is the heat, as it's going to get cooking up to 90 each of the next three days, with scattered thunderstorms each day, with today's and Thursday's looking the worst (Thursday's will probably be severe). Otherwise, I won't bore you--the forecast is pretty much identical for the forseeable future other than the rather rainy day today (on and off through pretty much the whole day)...sunny, 90s, PM thunderstorms.

In the Atlantic- Snooze...Snooze...hey did you say something about the tropical Atlantic? No development? Alright back to sleep...snooze (no development anytime soon)

In the Pacific- Two tropical depressions will likely form practically on top of each other by the end of the week, which proves to be an interesting phenomenon as, though neither are any threat to land, we get the chance to see how two tropical cyclones very near each other will effect each other. The next 2 names on the Pacific list are Guillermo and Hilda.

Today in weather history- July 27, 1943- On a whim, the first hurricane hunters fly into a hurricane off the east coast--beginning a program of regular flights that continues to this day providing key information about storms that pose a threat to life and property.


I am moving this week, and going on vacation next week. I will try to update as usual...but there may be some days that I either post very late...or not at all. Please excuse this as my life is going to get very busy very quickly

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