Friday, July 3, 2015

7/3- A turn for the worse


It's going to be a beautiful day to celebrate the federal 4th of July holiday today as temperatures will be in the mid 80s and bright sunshine. Unfortunately, the day everyone really cares about, tomorrow, is going to be far from delightful, unlike what previous forecasts suggested. That rain I was concerned about has been creeping north the last few runs, and this time, unfortunately, it's made it all the way into southern New England...which means that- although tomorrow morning will be fine- tomorrow afternoon looks downright nasty with the potential of pouring rain washing out your barbecue plans. Let's hope not...but it's tough to get a significant forecast change just 24 hours out. At this point, I'd have your backup plan ready in case you can't have your party outdoors tomorrow. It's a very strange occurrence indeed to have a pure washout on the 4th (this is the first I can remember) but it's unfortunate!

In the Atlantic- I hope nobody would do this, but please don't waste your holiday on such a pointless activity as watching for development here (There's none expected anytime soon)

In the Pacific- Two lows far out there could develop later this week that will have a holiday impact on the fishes, but nobody else, really.

Today in weather history- July 3, 1987- Three golfers in Kingsport, TN are killed when lightning strikes a tree they had taken shelter under during a thunderstorm. In fairness, they were being very foolish, as they should NOT have been holding metal clubs, under the tallest object around...yeah that's asking for trouble.

Oddly, today has not had many significant weather events through the years at all.

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