Thursday, July 9, 2015

7/9- Pouring Rain!!

Good Thursday all-

Unfortunately, to say that today is going to be a miserable day would be a fair understatement. Not only is it going to be hot, humid, and showery, but later tonight things really get rough. A FLASH FLOOD WATCH is up for all of Connecticut and for good reason- a widespread 1-3" rainfall is likely going to be upon us later this afternoon but especially in the overnight hours. On the bright side, tomorrow looks much dryer, while the weekend looks just plain hot (temps in the 90s on Sunday!). An early look at next week shows an interesting combination of heat and rain throughout.

In the Atlantic- It may feel like it's a tropical storm later tonight. You'll be disappointed if you check the NHC for advisories though- so please don't bother (no development anytime soon)

In the Pacific- Two tropical storms are developing off the coast of Mexico, but only one (the one further east) poses any threat to land. The next two names are Dolores and Enrique, but it's anyone's guess which one will be which. Additionally, TD #4-E has strengthened into Tropical Storm Ela in the Central Pacific- their first named storm of the year (they use 4 name lists in succession and don't reset it every year, thus the 'E' name). It'll likely pass just north of Hawaii, but they still may get some squally weather from it in two or three days.

Today in weather history- July 9, 1987- A tornado in Munising, MI, hits a dog kennel and sends a dog flying half a mile into a treetop- but leaving him totally unharmed! Thus the odd nature of tornadoes- they can giveth as well as taketh away.

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