Monday, July 13, 2015

7/13- Beautiful but rain on the way

Good Monday all-

     Well, for all the talk that BDL would reach 90 yesterday, it came one degree shy- it only reached 89! What makes this more remarkable is that we STILL have not had a 90 degree day since early MAY. Additionally, there's no 90s in sight as we're actually going to struggle to 85 many of the next few days. Today is going to be right around there with sunshine...but tomorrow is going to be rather unpleasant as showers and thunderstorms are going to develop in the afternoon and evening...and Wednesday will be a perfect duplicate. The rest of the week looks dry after that...but the weekend looks showery, I'm afraid.

Because of the fact that no 90s are likely anytime in the next week...which puts us near 7/'s not impossible that we actually go through all of July without ever hitting 90 degrees. I have no clue when that happened last, but it must have been a really long time ago- it's really tough to do here as 90s aren't at all unusual!

In the Atlantic- A low off the Carolinas tried to become Tropical Storm Claudette this weekend, but it did not (and will not) succeed. Otherwise, don't tell your boss you're watching the tropics as an excuse to call out of work- he'll know you're lying (no development anytime soon)

In the Pacific- Our two lows have indeed become Tropical Storm Dolores and Enrique, the more eastern of which- Dolores- is near hurricane intensity and is close enough to the Mexican coast that tropical storm warnings are up for portions of their shoreline.

Today in weather history- July 13, 1988- A remarkable day in it's unremarkableness- only three reports of severe weather occur in the entire country...and only one record high temperature is recorded...and no record lows. Normally, there are about 15-20 severe reports and about the same number of record temps, so this is highly awkward.

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