Tuesday, October 13, 2015

10/13- Showery

Good Tuesday all-

The forecast remains unchanged from yesterday. It's going to be fairly warm today, but a cold front is moving through the northeast today, and a coastal low is quite nearby bringing some showery weather to us. This will last almost all day today as both are fairly slow moving, and effecting us one after the other. The next few days look seasonable, with partly sunny skies and temps in the mid-60s, which is near the normal temperatures for mid-October. This weekend, however, will feature the first freeze for all of Connecticut as temps plummet possibly into the 20s for lows both Saturday night and Sunday night, marking the official end of the 2015 growing season. Highs will likely struggle to even reach 50 on these days, and the extreme northwest hills could even see a few snowflakes flying around if everything comes together right. A warm up back to normal temperatures looks likely for the early part of next week.

In the Atlantic- Snooze on, there won't be any news here. (no development anytime soon)

In the Pacific- Tropical Storm Nora remains weak and poses no threat to Hawaii despite its' relatively close proximity. Also, a low off Mexico will likely develop but move into the black hole of the Pacific between Mexico and Hawaii where the only ones effected will be fish.

Today in weather history- October 13- Sometimes, there are days in the universe that for whatever reason simply do not tend to produce interesting weather. This is one of them. Other than a relatively minor hurricane about 150 years ago, no other significant weather has happened on this date, as far as my research goes.

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