Tuesday, October 27, 2015

10/27- Soaker tomorrow

Good Tuesday all-

Today is going to be a very average day for late October- low 60s and partly sunny skies. Unfortunately, our fun ends tomorrow afternoon as rain moves in, and tomorrow will become generally a miserable day with pouring rain developing in the afternoon. As much as 2-3" of rain will likely fall between noon tomorrow and noon Thursday...yikes! We do need it, however, and it clears things out nicely for Halloween weekend, which looks cold but dry, fortunately. The first week of November looks mild, but there are some indications that the weekend of 11/7 and 11/8 could feature a significant snowstorm if everything comes together. Naturally, things will change, as we're over 11 days out, and it takes a perfect setup this early to produce an accumulating snow. That said, it's not impossible (note 11/7/2012)...so anything's fair game.

In the Atlantic and Pacific- No development is expected. You would be better spent watching pen ink dry.

Today in weather history- October 27, 1764- Somehow, Rutland, MA receives 22 inches of snow. That happens probably about once a century in New England at this time of year (we experienced the 21st century's already on 10/29/11)

Today also marks Game 1 of the 2015 World Series between the Royals and Mets. The weather in Kansas City tonight will feature scattered showers and cold weather, so you'll see long sleeves for sure, and likely a pitching-dominated game. Since neither team relies on the longball, I'd say there is no advantage...but would probably give the Mets a slim edge based on weather.

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