Monday, October 5, 2015

10/5- Autumn Finally Here

Good Monday all-

This week looks fall like in regards to temperatures- they'll be pretty cool and only nip at the heels of the 70s- some people will get there tomorrow and Wednesday- but for the most part we're going to be seeing 60s for this week. Fortunately, most of this week will be entirely dry, with the exception of Friday night and Saturday morning, but most of that should fall in the overnight hours, leading to a rather minimal impact on our weather.

The week after that, however, there are some signs of a major cool down (as in highs in the 40s and 50s) with the potential of some flakes flying. This would take place between say the 15th and 20th.

In the Atlantic- Joaquin pounded Bermuda as a cat 2 yesterday, but now has weakened to a category 1 and is no longer going to be an issue for anyone. Elsewhere, a Cape Verde tropical wave has some chance of development when it gets towards the Bahamas, but probably about a week from now. The next name on the list is Kate.

In the Pacific- The basin is sleeping (no development anytime soon)

Today in weather history- October 5, 1638- Apparently, a strong hurricane strikes New England as described by John Winthrop, knocking down many trees along its' path.

Thoughts and prayers go out to those effected by Joaquin in Bermuda as well as the victims of the devastating floods in South Carolina.

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