Wednesday, October 14, 2015

10/14- I won't bore you

Hey everyone-

The forecast is exactly the same as it was yesterday, so I won't bore you by typing it again. Just remember the countdown to the freezer on Saturday night is rapidly approaching, though the real killer will be the mid-20s night on Sunday evening. Get those plants ready!

In the Atlantic- zzzz...zzz...huh? Oh, no development is expected, now let me sleep...zzz...zzz

In the Pacific- See yesterday's post

Today in weather history- October 14, 1965- Ft. Lauderdale, FL manages to receive 25.28" of rain, causing significant flooding. This was highly localized though, as areas just ten miles away received only 4". Odd, but not that unusual, as weather has the tendency to be highly localized like that. Notice that this winter is highly likely to feature storms with highly local accumulations, not because of any atypical pattern, but because it happens every year.

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