Friday, October 23, 2015

10/23- History in the Pacific- nothing much here


Today and tomorrow look amazing, albeit a bit on the frisky side, with temps in the 50s and bright sunshine both days. Sunday will be a bit warmer, but it'll come at the price of some rain, There will likely be a freeze overnight tonight into tomorrow, so cover up those plants as lows will go into the mid-20s. The early part of next week looks fine, but then the remnants of Hurricane Patricia will effect us in the middle of next week, bringing a colossal rainstorm with several inches of rain likely by Weds/Thurs.

In the Atlantic- Nothing's going on.

In the Pacific- History has been made this morning, as Patricia has become the strongest hurricane ever recorded in the Western Hemisphere at 880mb, surpassing 2005's Hurricane Wilma. Max winds are near 200mph, which could be the world record for the highest wind ever recorded in a Tropical Cyclone. That in itself is amazing. What's horrifying as all heck, though, is that intensification is possible through the day today...until a FINAL LANDFALL IN MEXICO AT PEAK INTENSITY. My lord. Thoughts and prayers go out to those in Manzanillo and surrounding areas as they are about to experience the strongest hurricane to make landfall, in any basin, in recorded history.

Patricia is today's weather history entry. I can't begin to describe how amazing that storm is. Keep your fingers crossed for areas just south of Puerto Vallarta.

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