Wednesday, May 11, 2016

5/11- No Real Change to Thoughts...

Good Wednesday all-

Reading this is not going to take much of your time today, because my thoughts from yesterday are still my thoughts and I have no reason to change my opinion on anything I won't...and will leave it there. Seriously. For today though- expect low to mid 70s and bright sunshine, tomorrow will be even warmer, then rain Friday and a cooler weekend.

There are a paltry 4 days until the Pacific Hurricane Season.

There are 21 days...or 3 weeks...until the Atlantic Hurricane Season.

Today in weather history- May 11, 1966- Chicago takes their turn in recording the latest snowfall on record, by receiving 1.6". We will see if parts of Connecticut get their latest snowfall this Sunday night. It's a long shot, but not impossible!

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