Thursday, May 19, 2016

5/19- STORM WATCH- Tropical Threat dies...Insanely hard weekend forecast

Good Thursday all-

Today is going to be a decent day, although thunderstorms are very possible this afternoon. Temperatures will likely be in the low 70s- let's go with 71- which is going to be only one degree below average...which will probably feel nice as we've been far below average for much of the month of May. The weekend has a very difficult forecast with models in intense disagreement on the path of a low that has potential to give us several inches of rain or nothing at all. Thus...I'll just say that the potential of a total washout exists Sunday. Much of next week looks showery, but our threat from the hybrid low I discussed yesterday has greatly diminished through the last 24 hours, with most models not even forming the low to any substantial level.

In the Pacific- Development is not expected for 5 days.

There are 13 days until the Atlantic Hurricane Season.

Today in weather history- May 19, 1780- In a bizarre meteorological phenomenon, the skies over New England are pitch-black at noon thanks to wildfires burning in New York. Naturally, this terrified people living here at that time as everyone was highly religious...and thus were terrified of having incited divine wrath.

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