Tuesday, May 17, 2016

5/17- Just a bit Warmer Today

Good Tuesday all-

Today is going to be an average day, featuring slightly below70 degree temperatures and increasing clouds. There is a slim chance of a shower or two later this afternoon, but I think that most of us stay dry. That said, you may want to rethink your plans if you're going further south than central New Jersey- it'll be pouring all day in those areas. The much stronger than forecasted winds from the last few days will die off slowly today, allowing us to really feel that warmth that we so dearly have missed the last couple of days. As for the rest of the week, it looks similar to today sans the showers, as it appears we could get to the weekend dry. Unfortunately, Saturday night and Sunday look like complete washouts at this time as a large nor'easter is likely going to be close enough to buffet the region with heavy rains and gusty wind.

In the Pacific- The season has just begun, but...it's not always exciting to look here when that is the case. Actually, watching paint dry is a better use of your time today. (Development is not expected in the next 5 days)

There are 15 days until the Atlantic Hurricane Season

Today in weather history- May 17, 1983- A golfer in Memphis, TN has lightning travel down his neck and spine, through his pocket that contained his keys, and hits a nearby tree. Somehow he managed to survive relatively unharmed, but this is a very good teaching tool- please don't play golf in thunderstorms- take shelter in the clubhouse! Holding a metal rod in a location where you often are the tallest point is really not a good idea at all...

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