Wednesday, May 18, 2016

5/18- STORM WATCH- Next Week Could Be Interesting

Good Wednesday all-

Unfortunately, life has just gotten very interesting for us here in SNE as of the last few days. The GFS and Euro have now come into remarkable agreement for this far out on a significant storm for the Tues/Weds timeframe for next week (May 24-25). There's other issues between now and then- showers tomorrow night/Fri AM and rain on Sat PM/Sun AM are very likely. Fortunately, temps should be seasonable as well, with even above average temperatures (how refreshing!) in terms of the high 70s.

The big concern lies in next week though. It's a very interesting setup...

See that low pressure near Cape Cod and moving NW? That's a system with very complex origins, but it's probably, if I had to guess, a Subtropical Storm ending up either extremely near or directly over Connecticut. In such a scenario, I would introduce tropical storm conditions into the forecast for this timeframe. Although it's not immediately likely, there is strong support for this solution from the Euro and the Canadian models. The next name on the Atlantic list is Bonnie, but whether the system gets a name or not is not particularly important in terms of impacts- we're almost definitely looking at a complete washout with gusty winds next Tuesday.

No development is expected in the Pacific anytime soon.

There are 2 weeks...14 days...until the official Atlantic hurricane season. However, if the system described above gets a name, we'd have already had 2 named storms this season- the only time in the satellite era that we have had multiple named storms before June 1 is 2012, which proved to be a very active season and produced Hurricane Sandy.

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