Wednesday, March 15, 2017

3/15- Looking Back on Eugene, Ahead to the Weekend

Good Wednesday all-

Depending on where you are, Eugene was everything from a bust to a historic storm. The mix line made its' way inland much further than anticipated, but that didn't matter as portions of Litchfield County picked up some 23" of snow, while the shoreline it mattered greatly as New Haven wound up with a paltry 5". Of all the towns in Connecticut, only Waterbury came close to verifying blizzard conditions, missing out by about 2mph at 12PM from doing so. That said, the storm was memorable indeed, and we'll be digging out today!

The upcoming weeks looks cold (temps primarily in the 30s) and dry except Saturday, which looks a bit snowy, especially in the morning, when a light accumulation of 2" or so of snow is possible. No major storms in sight for the time being.

Today in weather history- March 15, 1941- A massive blizzard strikes the northern plains, with winds gusting to over 85mph in North Dakota. Drifts were as high as 12ft, and 71 people were killed in the storm, most of them travelling home on a Saturday night.

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