Monday, March 27, 2017

3/27- A Rainy Week Ahead

Good Monday all-

I have been really sick for the last week- so my apologies for the lack of updates! We're heading for a period of pretty wet weather over the next several days, with temperatures generally remaining below average. Today, I expect it to rain all day with highs in the 40s...ouch...up to 1" of rain is possible...not a great day by any means. Tomorrow, the rain tapers off quite a bit and we'll be left with showers but they certainly shouldn't be a big deal. The best news is that temperatures will actually be slightly above average (not by much, but still...) with mid-50s. More 50s are likely Wednesday and Thursday before we cool things back into the 40s by Friday, setting up more pouring rain over the weekend. At the moment, Saturday looks like a cold day (potentially in the mid-30s!)and a total washout...and maybe even feature some mixed precipitation, especially in northern areas. For the last day of March, that's pretty painful. At least it's not a big snowstorm like we saw a few weeks ago.

Thoughts go out to those effected by the midwest tornadoes yesterday, and those that will be in the coming days

Today in weather history- March 27, 1984- Cotulla, TX records the all time March high temperature for the United States by reaching an incredible 108 degrees. Additionally...

March 27, 1890- A major tornado strikes downtown Louisville, KY, and kills 78 people and does $4 million (1890USD) in damage.

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