Thursday, March 30, 2017

3/30- VERY Tricky Forecast

Greetings everyone-

Wow, this is going to be an adventure. First, a WINTER WEATHER ADVISORY is up for the northern 4 counties, but just to the north of that there is a WINTER STORM WARNING.

This is one of the toughest calls you can have as a meteorologist. Right now...the best guess is a 34 degree rain. That is insanely painful to see...because just 2 degrees colder would yield an ice storm for the ages...but that seems rather unlikely for now. The bottom line is that we can expect about 1.5" of rain/snow/sleet/fzg rain out of this. How much of each is very up in the air. For snow, anything from rain to a double-digit snowfall in northern CT is on the table. For ice, anything from nothing to up to 0.25-0.75" is on the table as well.

Thus, all I can say is to remain very aware of conditions tomorrow. As of the moment, the most likely scenario is a very, very cold rain, with temperatures just barely above the freezing mark. A two degree drop in temperature would dramatically change the ballgame, so stay tuned..

I will have an update in the morning. It's a fitting end to what has been a remarkable month of weather.

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