Wednesday, March 8, 2017

3/8- STORM WATCH- Think We Were Done With Snow? Mwahahahaha!

Good Wednesday all-

Well, did someone pray for snow? We are, remarkably, heading for what now appears to be the snowiest pattern of the season...and I'm not mid-March. This is more than a bit strange, but there's lots to talk about.

First things first though- today looks absolutely beautiful, despite some showers through the morning, with highs of 60 or so. Unfortunately, this is the end of the warmth for a long, long time. Tomorrow looks significantly cooler before we run into problem #1- Friday.

The models have begun to be quite a bit more aggressive with the snow on Friday. What looked like a narrow miss to the south now looks like a narrow hit instead, which would drop a solid 2-5" snowfall on southern Connecticut. This seems like a very reasonable solution, and will be my going forecast for now. We'll go with 2-4" south of Waterbury as an average...and 1-2" north of there. Not a big deal, but it's going to happen perfectly during the day, so expect some schools to close in southern CT as the roads will be snarled up for most of the day.

The weekend looks good, but cold, as does Monday. By Tuesday however...oh my is this going to be a long week. A clipper system and a storm developing off the southeast coast appear to come together off the east coast somewhere. At the moment, it appears this will occur just off the coast of New Jersey. If, and this is a big if, this occurs, the end result would be something that we would never forget- an absolutely monster blizzard with multiple feet of snow and howling winds out of the northeast. Things CAN AND WILL CHANGE BETWEEN NOW AND THEN aware that all the pieces could be coming together. The pattern is pretty similar to what spawned the Blizzard of '13...and the high end potential of the storm...I hate to say this so far something not at all dissimilar. See below...

^^^06z GFS showing a historic Blizzard for our area from Tuesday at noon to Wednesday night. Such a storm would produce a general 20-40" of snow with locally up to 4 feet, 30-50mph sustained winds...ouch

There's loads of time to watch this careful and watch this as this would also likely be a fluffy, powdery snow- which is tough to do on March 14. That said, the freaky thing? The single greatest snowstorm in Connecticut history (by far) was March 11-14, it is possible!

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