Friday, May 29, 2015

5/29- STORM WATCH- Still hot, no humidity, mess Sun PM


Today is going to be much, much better than yesterday. Despite having temperatures in the same general ballpark, the humidity will be much lower, so it will feel much more comfortable. The storm risk today is also much lower. It was primarily Western CT that got hit yesterday- I was in Danbury during a time in which they got 2 thunderstorms in 45 minutes or so...the first of which produced dime sized hail. The storms are back tomorrow evening, but likely not to the same intensity of the ones yesterday. Sunday looks decent, but a soaking rain will fall Sunday night, as in an inch or more, so I'm going to put up a STORM WATCH for this- the first in quite some time. After that, seasonable temps will reign, along with dry weather, for the early part of next week.

In the Pacific- As expected, the low off Mexico has become Tropical Storm Andres, the 1st named storm of their hurricane season, but it poses no threat to land. The cool thing, though, is that in the forecast discussion that upgraded Andres to a tropical storm was signed by Obama! That was rather surprising yet cool too (and I don't like Obama much at all)

Today in weather history- May 29, 1995- An extraordinary event in New England weather as a storm moves into western MA from the Catskill mountains. That's not extraordinary at all- it happens all the time. What made this storm different is that it then dropped an F4! tornado in Great Barrington, MA, costing 3 people their lives, injuring 27 people, and causing $24 million in damage. It's one of only a small handful of F4's in the history of New England.

Thursday, May 28, 2015

5/28- Storms and heat

Good Thursday all-

Today is going to be, essentially, a carbon copy of yesterday. Boiling heat (high 80s) and oppressive humidity will be the features of the morning and early afternoon. By then, though, thunderstorms are likely, and the SPC has placed most of CT under a MARGINAL risk of severe weather. Litchfield, however, has a SLIGHT risk, whereas New London merely has a SEE TEXT. Tomorrow looks about the same...but with a lot smaller risk of thunderstorms. By the weekend, Saturday looks hot, but the weather will FINALLY break on Sunday after a cold front moves through Saturday night. An early look at next week features predominantly partly cloudy and seasonable weather.

In the Pacific- Tropical Depression 1-E formed yesterday, and it'll probably become Tropical Storm...and perhaps even Hurricane...Andres, but it poses no threat to land whatsoever as it spins in the central east Pacific basin.

Today in weather history- May 28, 1983- Incredibly, parts of Montana receive 4ft of snow in an extreme late season event...yes, 4 FEET, as in 48". Remarkable indeed.

Wednesday, May 27, 2015

5/27- Stormy

Good Wednesday all-

The weather today is going to be even yuckier than yesterday, I'm afraid. Temperatures are going to be in the mid to upper 80s today with high humidity. This generally is asking for trouble, and the SPC has put Litchfield and Fairfield County under a SLIGHT RISK of severe weather, the highest rating for CT so far this severe season. New Haven and Hartford have a MARGINAL risk, Middlesex and Tolland have a SEE TEXT risk, and New London and Windham have no risk. This just shows the sharp cutoff will happen right at nightfall...and storms will have a very tough time making their way across the state. Otherwise...tomorrow looks practically identical to does Friday...and Saturday... you get the point!

In the Pacific- The low we discussed yesterday is becoming better organised...and will likely become Tropical Depression 1-E (and probably Tropical Storm Andres) sometime before the end of the work week, but it poses no threat to land.

Today in weather history- May 27, 1997- A monster F5 tornado strikes Jarrell, Texas- a town in which very few people had basements. The death toll ends up at 27- very impressive for a storm in a very, very small town. $20 million of damage is caused by the tornado

Tuesday, May 26, 2015

5/26- Hot, hot hot!

Good Tuesday all-

I hope everyone had a fantastic Memorial Day- now we're really in the final stretch towards summer break! Today is going to feel like summer- highs will be in the HIGH 80s to near 90 in some places. The one trade off of this is that those bubble-up thunderstorms are very possible this afternoon as it's going to be very humid as well. Moving forward, the rest of the week looks almost completely identical- which means thunderstorms are possible until Saturday- for the next 3 days, the SPC has placed us under a SEE TEXT risk of severe weather! The weekend (thankfully) looks much cooler, but it may come at the price of a very large severe outbreak, so we'll have to watch it closely indeed!

In the Pacific- A low several hundred miles south of Mexico is probably going to develop into the first named storm of the season...but it poses no threat to land. There is a high (80% chance) of development.

Today in weather history- May 26, 1967- A large nor'easter passes over the 40/70 benchmark, causing winds in excess of 80mph along the New England coastline...and stunning the Berkshires by dropping 5-10" of snow! This type of event is akin to a similar thing happening in early September in the fall...yikes!

Friday, May 22, 2015

5/22- Wet week ahead, Pacific awakens


Unfortunately, we have to enjoy this rather pleasant weather while we can. First things first though- a FROST ADVISORY has been issued for Litchfield County...but it wouldn't surprise me at all to see that expanded through northern Connecticut. At least we're going to be precip free for the next few days...but I can't say that after Monday. Actually, I think most of next week is going to be very, very wet indeed...with intervals of rain pretty much all of the work those outdoor activities and chores should be done by the end of this long weekend.

Happy Memorial Day to everyone- and thanks to all those who have served overseas for our nation.

In the Pacific- Two tropical cyclones are likely to develop. The good news? They're over 2000 miles from any land, so we're not exactly concerned about them whatsoever.

Today in weather history- May 22, 2004- A massive F4 tornado passes through Hallam, NE- killing one, injuring 38 more, and causing $160 million of damage. The remarkable thing is that, at peak intensity, the storm was 2.5 miles wide, which was the record for the widest tornado ever recorded. Incredibly though, that record would fall on May 31, 2013 in El Reno...which measured 3 miles wide...and killed some storm chasers, including Tim Samaras (who was on Discovery Channel for years) when it suddenly changed direction and crossed a traffic-filled highway

Thursday, May 21, 2015

5/21- Close to a nor'easter but not quite...

Good Thursday all-

Unfortunately, tomorrow we're going to just miss the much-needed soaking rain, as a monster nor'easter comes this close to giving us several inches of the wet stuff, but instead I only expect scattered showers. As for the weekend, which is 3 days this week, it'll be nice Saturday and Sunday BUT memorial day itself looks like a washout, especially in the afternoon hours. Beyond that, most of next week looks highly unsettled, so rain is finally coming to us- and boy do we need it!

In the Pacific- There's a moderate chance of development far off to the west of the Baja (like a thousand miles), but obviously that would pose no threat to anyone except the fish.

Today in weather history- May 21, 2001- On the Majestic Golf Course in Heartland, MI, golfers in a tournament are startled when an announcement of a TORNADO comes thorough to them. Sure enough, the course takes a direct hit from an F2, damaging cars in the parking lot. Thankfully, just one golfer is injured.

Tuesday, May 19, 2015

5/19- Stormy

Good Tuesday all-

Well, today is going to be showery, and we really need the rain, so appreciate it! What we don't need, though, is severe weather, and the SPC has placed us under a marginal risk for the second time this year. If there are strong storms this evening...they'll move through at about 5-8 tonight. After that, the forecast has no changes whatsoever since please see yesterday's post instead of boring all the repeat readers by putting it here again.

In the Pacific- No development is expected anytime soon.

13 days until the beginning of the Atlantic hurricane season.

Today in weather history- May 19, 1990- Hot Springs, AR gets wiped out by a flood after receiving a whopping 13" of rain in just 9 hours. A bridge that crossed a lake in the area was completely wiped out, and 4-6ft of water flooded the downtown area...yikes!

Monday, May 18, 2015

5/18- Beautiful week coming

Good Monday all-

Today, and most of this week, are going to be darn near identical, with partly to mostly sunny skies and temperatures in the mid-70s or so. The only problems are tomorrow- where we'll be dealing with scattered thunderstorms pretty much all day as a cold front moves through- and Friday, as a low moves to our north, but close enough for us to get a teeny weeny amount of foul weather- where there may be some PM showers. Memorial Day weekend looks wonderful at the moment, with no threat of rain and temps in the mid-to-upper 70s, and the next chance for a soaking rain appears to be a week from tomorrow, so there's plenty of time!

In the Pacific- No development is expected anytime soon. Interestingly, this marks the first time since 2012 the Atlantic had a tropical cyclone before the Pacific.

Today in weather history- May 18, 1980- Not exactly weather related, but significant nevertheless as Mt. St Helens erupts violently, sending ash 63,000 ft into the air, some of which reaches the Atlantic seaboard. 57 people are killed, 200 houses are totalled, and $1.1 billion of damage is recorded.

Friday, May 15, 2015

5/15- Nice today, rain tomorrow


Today is going to be just gorgeous- temps will be around 73 for pretty much everyone with partly cloudy skies! Unfortunatlely, the first part of the weekend does not look great, as showers are highly likely tomorrow morning and evening (the middle part of the day should be dry). After that, the 70s and sunny conditions will stay for the forseeable future, except for Tuesday when rain (and thunderstorms) is likely. At least 85% of the next week does look dry though, so your outdoor plans should be just fine- even tomorrow and Tuesday if you keep your eyes on the western skies.

On another note, today...May 15, 2015...marks the beginning of the East Pacific hurricane season, which runs for the next 6.5 months, ending on November 30. On average...15 named storms form in the basin, with 8 hurricanes and 4 cat 3+ hurricanes. This year's list of names are Andres, Blanca, Carlos, Dolores, Enrique, Felicia, Guillermo, Hilda, Ignacio, Jimena, Kevin, Linda, Marty, Nora, Olaf, Patricia, Rick, Sandra, Terry, Vivian, Waldo, Xina, York, and Zelda. No Andres is in sight though- no development is expected for the next 5 days.

Today in weather history- May 15, 1968- A tornado touches down in...Anchorage, ALASKA!! This is one of only 3 tornadoes recorded in Alaska since records began in 1950

Thursday, May 14, 2015

5/14- Is it finally going to rain?

Good Thursday all-

Apologies for not posting yesterday. I certainly meant to, and simply forgot- no excuses! Pathetic of me, sorry!

Anyway, today is going to be very monotonous, as it's basically going to be the same as the last gazillion- mostly sunny and 70s, and we'll do it yet again tomorrow. By Saturday, though, the weather pattern finally breaks and we get some RAIN through the day. Boy do we need it, but it's unfortunate it has to come on the weekend. Sunday and Monday look fine, but Tuesday of next week looks rather wet. Still way too far out for details on that one.

Today in weather history- May 14, 1898- Kansas City, MO is struck by a disastrous hailstorm, with some of the stones measuring a whopping 9.5" in diameter!! Unfortunately, several people were injured because tons of windows were blown out. Additionally...a prankster chucked some ice onto the street because of the hail...and some originally thought it was an even larger hailstone.

Tuesday, May 12, 2015

5/12- hot hot hot

Good Tuesday all-

Firstly, sorry for missing yesterday's post. There's lots to talk about today though.

First off, my thoughts go out today to those in the midwest effected by the tornadoes, and to the people of Nepal, who really just can't catch a break.

Here in Connecticut, the only thing we're going to be dealing with is scorching hot weather and possibly thunderstorms this afternoon, though they should be largely scattered in  nature as long as a cold front comes through when we think it will. It's a fragile situation, though, as we're looking at severe weather if the front comes a few hours early. For the first time this year, though, the SPC has put CT under a marginal risk of severe weather, the second- lowest section, one above see text and one below slight. This essentially means there is probably a 10-20% chance of severe weather tonight, a figure with which I agree wholeheartedly. In any event, the rest of the week looks dry, but (go figure) once we hit Saturday, we're looking at a total washout (though we actually need it, so it's not all bad!

Today in weather history- May 12, 1982- A monster snowstorm stuns Colorado with up to 47" of snow!

Friday, May 8, 2015

5/8- Say hello to Ana- great weekend ahead


Today, tomorrow, and Sunday all look much the same, with temperatures in the 80s each day and bright sunshine. In fact, each day will get progressively warmer. Monday does not look great due to the influence of two fronts and whatever is left of Subtropical Storm Ana...which has formed off the east coast near South Carolina...who is under a tropical storm watch this morning. When you see the cone of uncertainty...and I'm sure you will in the coming days...don't be alarmed to see that CT is firmly inside it. This is HIGHLY unlikely to be a TS when it reaches us here (NHC gives it a 5-10% chance, with which I agree). That said, rain is likely Monday and severe weather is possible Tuesday before temps get knocked back to normal by the end of next week. The weekend will be great- some areas will hit 90 on Sunday- so enjoy it, but stay cool!

Today in weather history- May 8, 1981- Dallas, TX experiences grapefruit sized hail and 100mph winds, causing some $200 million in damage, and 8" of hail accumulates at Cedar Hill, TX!

Thursday, May 7, 2015

5/7- Gorgeous today

Good Thursday all-

Today is going to be just stunningly perfect, with temps in the high 70s or low 80s and bright sunshine today as a high remains in control here in New England.The weekend looks just scorching hot, with temps perhaps approaching 90 before showers and thunderstorms on Sun, Mon, and Tue knock the temps back to normal (mid to upper 60s).

In the Atlantic- Tropical Storm Ana is now very likely to form off the Carolinas later today as it crawls north and then stalls for about two days just off the NC/SC coast. Eventually, it'll likely move inland at tropical storm intensity, then join up with a low that will be effecting us in New England early next week.

My thoughts and prayers go out to those in Bridge Creek, Oklahoma and all those effected by the tornadoes yesterday.

Today in weather history- May 7, 1989- Much of the east coast of the United States experiences record low temperatures, but at least it's not as bad as Buffalo, which gets dumped with 7.2" of the white stuff...yikes!

Wednesday, May 6, 2015

5/6- AM rain, then dry for a while

Good Wednesday all-

Showers are moving across the state from west to east this morning, especially in the southern parts (as we expected). These shall continue until around noon before tapering off, leaving us with partly to mostly cloudy skies and temperatures in the mid-70s. The rest of the week looks practically identical to what I typed yesterday, so I shan't bore you by typing it again.

In the Atlantic- The low off Florida is now being given a 60% chance of becoming Tropical Storm Ana in the next 48 hours by the NHC, a percentage that I would put as a touch conservative. Otherwise, there's no change to my thinking from yesterday. I'd think twice if you have plans in South Carolina this weekend, though.

Today in weather history- May 6, 1933- Charleston, SC somehow manages to pick up a whopping 10.57" of rain in 24 hours, their all time record. I'd love to see the radar as to how that happened. Yikes.

Tuesday, May 5, 2015

5/5- Cinco de Rain

Good Tuesday all-

The rain scheduled for today has been delayed approximately 12 hours until early tomorrow morning, for the most part, but the weather doesn't look bad at all for the next several days. Temperatures will be in the 80s with sunshine or partly cloudy conditions for virtually all the rest of the week. The only exception will be Sunday, which features a cold front and thus more showers and thunderstorms are very likely. Otherwise, it's really just going to be a great week of weather- enjoy it!

In the Atlantic- The low developing off Florida will probably become Tropical Storm Ana by Saturday as it meanders off of...and perhaps eventually strikes...the southeast coast. If you have vacation plans to South Carolina, Georgia, or northern portions of Florida...keep a close eye on the storm as it will likely be paying some of those areas a visit by early next week.

Just 10 days until the beginning of the Pacific Hurricane Season

Today in weather history- May 5, 1917- A low pressure system manages to dump Denver, CO under a foot of snow, establishing their record snowfall for the month of May.

Monday, May 4, 2015

5/4- The fourth is with us today

Good Monday all-

Well, today is going to be just divine, with temperatures in the mid-70s and bright sunshine. There is absolutely nothing to be concerned about today. Tomorrow, though, I'm a bit more concerned about. The SPC has put us under a SEE TEXT risk of severe weather. That means it's unlikely they'll be severe, but thunderstorms are highly likely tomorrow between about 12 and 6, as a cold front moves through. With temperatures in the 80s...that could be fun to track for me tomorrow afternoon. Beyond that...the weather looks generally fine through Mother's Day with only a few scattered showers...but then next Monday does not look particularly pleasant with rain likely.

Today in weather history- May 4, 1977- A tornado in Pleasant Hill, MO strikes the high school during the school day with over 1000 staff and students present...but nobody is injured, thanks in part to excellent preparation by the school for such an emergency.

Happy Star Wars Day- May the 4th be with you!

Friday, May 1, 2015

5/1- Hello to May- much better weather coming


Today is going to be quite chilly, unfortunately, with generally cloudy skies and temps will be hard pressed to reach 60 today (and they likely won't succeed in many areas). The forecast for the weekend is quite nice, but the real winners of the next week are Monday (Sunny and high 70s) and Tuesday morning (same), but strong to severe thunderstorms are possible Tuesday afternoon as a cold front moves through. The rest of the work week look nice, but by next weekend, a tropical storm could be very near to our area. It's worth watching!!

In the Atlantic- The models continue to show the same thing as they did yesterday with very little difference in terms of both development stages and path. It could be very close...please keep it in mind for your mother's day weekend should Ana decide to come our way.


Today in weather history- May 1, 1854- The Connecticut River achieves record depth in Hartford (29ft) after 66 hours of continuous heavy rain.