Monday, May 4, 2015

5/4- The fourth is with us today

Good Monday all-

Well, today is going to be just divine, with temperatures in the mid-70s and bright sunshine. There is absolutely nothing to be concerned about today. Tomorrow, though, I'm a bit more concerned about. The SPC has put us under a SEE TEXT risk of severe weather. That means it's unlikely they'll be severe, but thunderstorms are highly likely tomorrow between about 12 and 6, as a cold front moves through. With temperatures in the 80s...that could be fun to track for me tomorrow afternoon. Beyond that...the weather looks generally fine through Mother's Day with only a few scattered showers...but then next Monday does not look particularly pleasant with rain likely.

Today in weather history- May 4, 1977- A tornado in Pleasant Hill, MO strikes the high school during the school day with over 1000 staff and students present...but nobody is injured, thanks in part to excellent preparation by the school for such an emergency.

Happy Star Wars Day- May the 4th be with you!

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