Thursday, May 14, 2015

5/14- Is it finally going to rain?

Good Thursday all-

Apologies for not posting yesterday. I certainly meant to, and simply forgot- no excuses! Pathetic of me, sorry!

Anyway, today is going to be very monotonous, as it's basically going to be the same as the last gazillion- mostly sunny and 70s, and we'll do it yet again tomorrow. By Saturday, though, the weather pattern finally breaks and we get some RAIN through the day. Boy do we need it, but it's unfortunate it has to come on the weekend. Sunday and Monday look fine, but Tuesday of next week looks rather wet. Still way too far out for details on that one.

Today in weather history- May 14, 1898- Kansas City, MO is struck by a disastrous hailstorm, with some of the stones measuring a whopping 9.5" in diameter!! Unfortunately, several people were injured because tons of windows were blown out. Additionally...a prankster chucked some ice onto the street because of the hail...and some originally thought it was an even larger hailstone.

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