Tuesday, May 19, 2015

5/19- Stormy

Good Tuesday all-

Well, today is going to be showery, and we really need the rain, so appreciate it! What we don't need, though, is severe weather, and the SPC has placed us under a marginal risk for the second time this year. If there are strong storms this evening...they'll move through at about 5-8 tonight. After that, the forecast has no changes whatsoever since yesterday...so please see yesterday's post instead of boring all the repeat readers by putting it here again.

In the Pacific- No development is expected anytime soon.

13 days until the beginning of the Atlantic hurricane season.

Today in weather history- May 19, 1990- Hot Springs, AR gets wiped out by a flood after receiving a whopping 13" of rain in just 9 hours. A bridge that crossed a lake in the area was completely wiped out, and 4-6ft of water flooded the downtown area...yikes!

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