Tuesday, May 5, 2015

5/5- Cinco de Rain

Good Tuesday all-

The rain scheduled for today has been delayed approximately 12 hours until early tomorrow morning, for the most part, but the weather doesn't look bad at all for the next several days. Temperatures will be in the 80s with sunshine or partly cloudy conditions for virtually all the rest of the week. The only exception will be Sunday, which features a cold front and thus more showers and thunderstorms are very likely. Otherwise, it's really just going to be a great week of weather- enjoy it!

In the Atlantic- The low developing off Florida will probably become Tropical Storm Ana by Saturday as it meanders off of...and perhaps eventually strikes...the southeast coast. If you have vacation plans to South Carolina, Georgia, or northern portions of Florida...keep a close eye on the storm as it will likely be paying some of those areas a visit by early next week.

Just 10 days until the beginning of the Pacific Hurricane Season

Today in weather history- May 5, 1917- A low pressure system manages to dump Denver, CO under a foot of snow, establishing their record snowfall for the month of May.

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