Tuesday, May 12, 2015

5/12- hot hot hot

Good Tuesday all-

Firstly, sorry for missing yesterday's post. There's lots to talk about today though.

First off, my thoughts go out today to those in the midwest effected by the tornadoes, and to the people of Nepal, who really just can't catch a break.

Here in Connecticut, the only thing we're going to be dealing with is scorching hot weather and possibly thunderstorms this afternoon, though they should be largely scattered in  nature as long as a cold front comes through when we think it will. It's a fragile situation, though, as we're looking at severe weather if the front comes a few hours early. For the first time this year, though, the SPC has put CT under a marginal risk of severe weather, the second- lowest section, one above see text and one below slight. This essentially means there is probably a 10-20% chance of severe weather tonight, a figure with which I agree wholeheartedly. In any event, the rest of the week looks dry, but (go figure) once we hit Saturday, we're looking at a total washout (though we actually need it, so it's not all bad!

Today in weather history- May 12, 1982- A monster snowstorm stuns Colorado with up to 47" of snow!

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