Friday, May 29, 2015

5/29- STORM WATCH- Still hot, no humidity, mess Sun PM


Today is going to be much, much better than yesterday. Despite having temperatures in the same general ballpark, the humidity will be much lower, so it will feel much more comfortable. The storm risk today is also much lower. It was primarily Western CT that got hit yesterday- I was in Danbury during a time in which they got 2 thunderstorms in 45 minutes or so...the first of which produced dime sized hail. The storms are back tomorrow evening, but likely not to the same intensity of the ones yesterday. Sunday looks decent, but a soaking rain will fall Sunday night, as in an inch or more, so I'm going to put up a STORM WATCH for this- the first in quite some time. After that, seasonable temps will reign, along with dry weather, for the early part of next week.

In the Pacific- As expected, the low off Mexico has become Tropical Storm Andres, the 1st named storm of their hurricane season, but it poses no threat to land. The cool thing, though, is that in the forecast discussion that upgraded Andres to a tropical storm was signed by Obama! That was rather surprising yet cool too (and I don't like Obama much at all)

Today in weather history- May 29, 1995- An extraordinary event in New England weather as a storm moves into western MA from the Catskill mountains. That's not extraordinary at all- it happens all the time. What made this storm different is that it then dropped an F4! tornado in Great Barrington, MA, costing 3 people their lives, injuring 27 people, and causing $24 million in damage. It's one of only a small handful of F4's in the history of New England.

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