Thursday, May 28, 2015

5/28- Storms and heat

Good Thursday all-

Today is going to be, essentially, a carbon copy of yesterday. Boiling heat (high 80s) and oppressive humidity will be the features of the morning and early afternoon. By then, though, thunderstorms are likely, and the SPC has placed most of CT under a MARGINAL risk of severe weather. Litchfield, however, has a SLIGHT risk, whereas New London merely has a SEE TEXT. Tomorrow looks about the same...but with a lot smaller risk of thunderstorms. By the weekend, Saturday looks hot, but the weather will FINALLY break on Sunday after a cold front moves through Saturday night. An early look at next week features predominantly partly cloudy and seasonable weather.

In the Pacific- Tropical Depression 1-E formed yesterday, and it'll probably become Tropical Storm...and perhaps even Hurricane...Andres, but it poses no threat to land whatsoever as it spins in the central east Pacific basin.

Today in weather history- May 28, 1983- Incredibly, parts of Montana receive 4ft of snow in an extreme late season event...yes, 4 FEET, as in 48". Remarkable indeed.

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