Monday, May 18, 2015

5/18- Beautiful week coming

Good Monday all-

Today, and most of this week, are going to be darn near identical, with partly to mostly sunny skies and temperatures in the mid-70s or so. The only problems are tomorrow- where we'll be dealing with scattered thunderstorms pretty much all day as a cold front moves through- and Friday, as a low moves to our north, but close enough for us to get a teeny weeny amount of foul weather- where there may be some PM showers. Memorial Day weekend looks wonderful at the moment, with no threat of rain and temps in the mid-to-upper 70s, and the next chance for a soaking rain appears to be a week from tomorrow, so there's plenty of time!

In the Pacific- No development is expected anytime soon. Interestingly, this marks the first time since 2012 the Atlantic had a tropical cyclone before the Pacific.

Today in weather history- May 18, 1980- Not exactly weather related, but significant nevertheless as Mt. St Helens erupts violently, sending ash 63,000 ft into the air, some of which reaches the Atlantic seaboard. 57 people are killed, 200 houses are totalled, and $1.1 billion of damage is recorded.

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