Wednesday, June 10, 2015

6/10- A broken record

Good Wednesday all-

Today is an off-day in our alternating shower and thunderstorm days, so I expect today to be completely dry and sunny, with the only real negative that it is going to be at times unbearably hot with temperatures very near, or perhaps eclipsing, 90. Tomorrow looks much the same as today but with higher humidity and scattered PM thunderstorms. The funny thing is that, through at least the middle of next week, we are stuck in this pattern. One day hot and dry, the next humid and thunderstorms, etc. It really is just like a broken record of the weather now!

In the Atlantic- Baseball fans' wait for a no-hitter ended last night thanks to Chris Heston. That doesn't mean your wait for tropical development is going to end soon (no development is expected)

In the Pacific- The same area I've been watching for several days now is probably going to become Tropical Storm Carlos tonight, and then generally head for mainland let's see exactly what that does.

Today in weather history- June 10, 1958- A woman is sucked out of her house in El Dorado, KS by a strong tornado, which flings her 60 feet. She survives, but what's interesting is that when authorities found her, she was beside a broken record titled 'Stormy Weather'. You really can't make this stuff up.

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